Poesie der Straße – Die 25 besten Roadtrip Zitate


UT 12 – Utah, USA

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.”
― Robert Frost
“You can handle just about anything that comes at you out on the road with a believable grin, common sense and whiskey.”
― Bill Murray, Common Sense and Whiskey
“The road makes a noise all its own. It’s a single note that stretches in all directions, low and nearly inaudible, only I could hear it loud and persistent…”
― Gregory Galloway, The 39 Deaths of Adam Strand
“Half the fun of the travel is the aesthetic of lostness.”
― Ray Bradbury
“Only the road and the dawn, the sun, the wind, and the rain,
And the watch fire under stars, and sleep, and the road again.”
― John Masefield

RN 52 – Provincia de Jujuy, Argentinien

“If Music is a Place — then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classical is a Temple.”
― Vera Nazarian
“If you have to choose between ‘travelling on an ugly road to a beautiful place’ and ‘travelling on a beautiful road to an ugly place,’ choose the second!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan
„How she loved the smell of road: asphalt baking and soft in July, dirt roads with their dust-and-pollen perfume in June, country lanes spicy with the odor of crushed leaves in sober October, the sand-and-salt smell of the highway, so like an estuary, in February.”
― Joe Hill, NOS4A2
“Why does every road eventually narrow into a point at the horizon? Because that’s where the point lies.”
― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
“That roads are for journeys, ma’am, not destinations”
― Margaret Landon

Groot Constancia Rd – Westkaap, Südafrika

“The Americans have found the healing of God in a variety of things, the most pleasant of which is probably automobile drives.”
― William Saroyan, Short Drive, Sweet Chariot
“Roads are a record of those who have gone before.”
― Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking
“Life is beautiful if you are on the road to somewhere.”
― Orhan Pamuk, The New Life
„Most of my treasured memories of travel are recollections of sitting.“
― Robert Thomas Allen
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
― Ernest Hemingway

RN 52 – Provincia de Jujuy, Argentinien

“The saddest journey in the world is the one that follows a precise itinerary. Then you’re not a traveler. You’re a f**king tourist.”
― Guillermo del Toro
“This is a roadside attraction,‘ said Wednesday. ‚One of the finest. Which means it is a place of power.”
― Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson
“There’s more to getting to where you’re going than just knowing there’s a road.”
― Joan Lowery Nixon, In The Face of Danger
“I may be going nowhere, but what a ride.”
― Shaun Hick

RN 16 – Provincia del Chaco, Argentinien

“Now, on this road trip, my mind seemed to uncrinkle, to breathe, to present to itself a cure for a disease it had not, until now, known it had.”
― Elizabeth Berg, The Year of Pleasures
“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”
― Erol Ozan
“Roads are no place for naive chickens dreaming of nirvana.”
― Shalom Auslander, Hope: A Tragedy
„Sometimes the roads less travelled are less travelled for a reason.“
― John Steinbeck
„Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey.“
― Fitzhugh Mullan

Teton Park Rd – Wyoming, USA


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